Welcome to APT!

Advanced Pediatric Therapies is a pediatric occupational therapy practice that specializes in Sensory Processing Disorders for the last 20 years in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington.  We focused on providing a highly individualized, multi-faceted and holistic treatment approach to ensure that each child's needs are met.  We believe in the endless possibilities of each child.  APT believes in the power of relationship and play to foster development in children.  We value and honor the strengths and individuality of each child and family and seek to support the child and the family in recognizing and achieving each child’s unique potential.


Our spaces are playful and inviting therapeutic environments with state of the art equipment that can provide a range of opportunities for sensory input, while promoting physical development, challenging motor planning skills, as well as increasing confidence for developing cognitive and social skills.


We are also a National Mentor Site for therapists wishing to increase their competency with the Therapeutic Listening Program.

Our therapists are highly trained occupational therapists who specialize in treating sensory integration dysfunction (SPD). 

"For me, and I think I can safely speak for my staff, there is no greater feeling than helping a child to feel understood and helping a parent to better relate to their child.

We help families to understand their child. It is in that knowing and understanding of a child’s individual differences that meaning can be found behind all behaviors."  Sharron Donnelly, Owner Advanced Pediatric Therapies

APT was featured in Spectrum Life Magazine

Upcoming Events

Parent Support Groups

APT partners with Swindell's Resource Center to provide Sensory Seminars PDX once a month at Providence. For more info go to:   www.providenceoregon.org/swindellsevents  to view next event.  Please be sure to register online!

Closure Updates

We mostly follow the local school districts for our weather closures.  Please follow our Facebook page or this page to keep you up to date.  Assume you DO have an OT session as scheduled unless we post otherwise or call you directly to switch to telehealth or cancel your appointment.

APT Privacy Notice

Click here to view notice.

Good Faith Estimate

Click here to view notice.

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© Advanced Pediatric Therapies