Integrated Listening Systems

Building upon the psychoacoustic techniques originally developed in Europe and further refined over the past 8 years in the U.S. by Dynamic Listening Systems (DLS), iLs programs combine auditory stimulation with balance, movement and visual motor activities.


The design of iLs programs is based around the listening component. Each product has a specific listening schedule, into which the balance and visual activities are included. These "integrating" activities comprise 15-20 minutes of each listening session, and are explained in a Playbook which accompanies each product.

Upcoming Events

The Why Behind Behavior

Please join the Swindells Resource Center and APT in welcoming Dr. Ashley Taylor, founder of Wonder Tree Development Psychology, for this workshop exploring the nervous system, the brain, and behavior. 

When: November 21st from 6:00-7:30.

Where: Online

Cost: Free

More info on flyer located on our home page.  Please register online by scanning the QR code or click here!

Parent Support Groups

APT partners with Swindell's Resource Center to provide Sensory Seminars PDX once a month at Providence. For more info go to:  to view next event.  Please be sure to register online!

Closure Updates

We mostly follow the local school districts for our weather closures.  Please follow our Facebook page or this page to keep you up to date.  Assume you DO have an OT session as scheduled unless we post otherwise or call you directly to switch to telehealth or cancel your appointment.

APT Privacy Notice

Click here to view notice.

Good Faith Estimate

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